pencils drawing

how to draw a pencil

How to Draw a Pencil Step by Step

The pencil is an instrument for writing or drawing. The pen is made up of a thin stick of graphite or a similar material enclosed in a long thin piece of wood or covered with plastic or metal.Therefore, we created a step-by-step tutorial on how to draw a pencil in just 9 steps.Step 1Begin by drawing a vertical line across the page. Your pencil's wood will be formed by this line....

pencils drawing

How to Hold A Pencil When Drawing

Theories abound regarding how an artist should hold a pencil. One of the worst things you can do for your drawing is force yourself to use an artificial grip. It only creates stress and disturbs the natural flow of your line. Learning how to hold a pencil in new ways is worth exploring -- you may find methods which better play off of your natural tendencies.Let's take a look at each pencil grip, showing you how...